H G Well's Little Wars
Wargaming in the grand manner using 42mm scale miniatures.
BEF 1940
Wargames figures depicting the early days of WW2. These figures are 42mm scale miniatures.
French wargames figures of the Victorian range. 42mm scale miniatures covering armies of France and Britain available ( bespoke figures for the Reorgimento ; Garabaldini, Neapolitans and Papal states also available)
EW Baylis & Sons manufacture the finest quality metal wargames figures . The figures are designed and cast in Britain. The figures are based on the model railway “O” gauge and the old B scale of toy soldiers. The figures are 42mm scale miniatures or 1 ⅔ inches tall. Wargames armies sold painted and unpainted. Commission undertaken for 42mm /O gauge figures and vehicles.
Early Renaissance Italy.42mm scale miniatures. A range of wargames figures covering the late 1400's to early 1500's in Italy.
An extensive range of 42mm scale miniatures covering, Europe, North America and the Caribbean. These wargames figures allow you to refight dome of the main engagements of the Seven years war between France, Britain and her German Allies.
British, French and Italians 42mm scale miniatures , including Garibaldini from 1850 to 1870. These Wargames figures cover the War of Italian Unification and the Franco British rivalries of the mid century.
Wargames figures of British tommies, in stiff caps, soft caps and helmets. Also Royal engineers and Gallipoli. Sturdy 42mm scale miniatures designed to stand up to table top use.
A growing range of 42mm scale miniatures British, German and Italians 1939- 1945. Many of these wargames figures; for example East Africa are bespoke.
We do not sell individual figures but whole armies in 42mm scale miniatures . Minimum spend is initially £30, although smaller subsequent orders of wargames figures can be placed. Email ceb@ewbts.co.uk stating periods of interest.
These can be sold based or unbased for wargamers or boxed for collectors, included the cost of the figure.
Each box normaly containes 10 infantry or four mounted figures.
07766230656 telephone or text
Venture House, Calne Road, Lyneham, Chippenham, Wiltshire. SN15 4PP
Below is a PDF of our quick play rules designed for large sc
· Only 6 sided dice are used. Six improves, one impairs performance.
· One player moves and fires, but opponent may or may have to make certain response moves or fires.
· Movement is determined by dice throw.
· Each figure fires with one dice needing a six to kill and remove an opponent’s figure.
· The number of movement and firing dice are modified by circumstance.
· Disordered units may move or fire at reduced rates.
· Melee occurs for units in contact after movement and firing.
· Moral is checked; as events occur and at each players turn end.
· Both melee and moral are determined by a universal TEST table.
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Copyright © 2020 EW Baylis Toy Soldier Manufacturing Company Ltd- All Rights Reserved.
Company number 10707071 . Registered office address
Silver Birches, Tregaer, Raglan, Monmouthshire. NP15 2LH
A list of directors is available on request
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